Thursday, January 6, 2011

birthday boy

Wow!  I can't believe my baby boy has turned 7!  Time has gone by so fast and I want it to slow right down... I can remember finding out I was pregnant with him.  I went to the doctor with some womanly complaints and the doctor wanted to rule out pregnancy so she asked me to do a pregnancy test, so while we were waiting for the results she started to discuss some possibilities of what was going on.  The doctor then started to prescribe some stuff but then walked over to the pregnancy test just to double check her prediction BUT she then looked at me in complete shock and said "I think congratulations are in order."  Well I was shocked but definitely over the moon.  Matthew and I then left the doctors surgery picked Daddy up from work and took him home for the shock of his life (not the first and not the last!).  Matty and Daddy sat on the couch and I then showed him the pregnancy test.  At first he was unsure of what it was, as I had never used one before, but once he worked it out he was so thrilled.  And that is the start of our life with Benjamin Jack Robert...

Seven years on BJ has had his first party with his friends from school and he chose to have a water party.  This meant lots of water pistol fights, home made water slides and LOTS of water balloons finished off with an ice cream cake.  BJ had so much fun and he talked about it for such a long time after. 

BJ with his 'family' birthday cake

Happy Birthday Birthday Boy!!
we love you so much

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