Friday, January 7, 2011

my girly girl


Lucy is definitely a girly girl.  She loves all things bright and beautiful!  Lucy loves all jewellery, crafts, dresses, high heels, hand bags, babies (real and not so real) - everything her older sister is not.  Lucy names and loves all her 'babies' and makes sure gives them all equal attention.  Her favourite 'babies' at the moment are - Baby Betty, Daisy, Dora, Baby Jessica, Ella, Milly and Sarah - and these are to name but a few. Even when we are visiting our friends she takes a liking to all of their jewellery, for example - above photo - taken at a friends house - none of that jewellery is ours! Lucy and Annie are so different in so many ways but they are such great mates.  They really appreciate each others differences and similarities and when they are playing with each other they very rarely fight as they just know how each other are.  Love my girls...

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