Monday, November 8, 2010

playing in the rain

 What do you do when it has been raining ALL day and you are at school not being able to play outside?  Come home and play in the rain!!

BJ posing

the kids found a BIG puddle!

Annie VERY excited

Lucy jumping in the BIG puddle

Playing in the rain is exactly what Mummy ordered!!  It had been raining ALL weekend and then ALL day on the Monday and Mummy could start to tell that the kids had been indoors for too long.  So after school on Monday the kids were ordered to go outside and play.....with the promise of a warm shower and hot chocolate when they were finished.  The kids had so much fun playing in the puddles, jumping on the trampoline and running a muck.  It was definitely something that was needed as the kids were able to get rid of some of the energy that was being sorted up for a sunny day, which we did not see for the rest of the week. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

lip gloss....

Lucy covered from head to toe with lip gloss!!

All I can say is "thanks Aunty Karen for introducing Lucy to lip gloss."  One morning while Aunty Karen was looking after Lucy, they decided to go shopping.  While shopping Lucy asked for some lip gloss so, of course, Aunty Karen said yes.  After a few tips on how and when to apply this lip gloss, Lucy came home with the new purchase.  The next day however, Lucy must have forgotten the tips from Aunty Karen (or decided she had a better idea which I think is more the case) and applied the lip gloss ALL over herself!!  from her hair right down to her toes. I worked this out when Lucy came downstairs to me and said "I haven't been doing anything Mum" and I hadn't even asked her a question. So as she walked to me I could smell a very strong strawberry smell and at first I couldn't see anything until she came real close to me and I could see this slimy stuff all over her face with pink speckles.  When I asked her what she had done her reply was "I put on my lip gloss"  I couldn't help but laugh.  We then went upstairs so Lucy could have a bath to see if the lip gloss would come off but we couldn't have one until I took a photo as evidence for Aunty Karen that I don't think Lucy is ready for lip gloss. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the first one is GONE!!

I can not believe that my little girls tooth has fallen out.  The tooth fairy has visited our family quite a few times this year with both boys and now Annie loosing teeth.  Annie was so excited that her first tooth has fallen out and she is waiting so patiently for the next tooth to fall out too.  I think it will be any day now!!  It also seems that the tooth fairy is VERY busy at the moment because she was not able to take Annie's tooth the first night so Annie had to wait patiently for the tooth fairy to come the next night.  I think the tooth fairy gave her a little extra for all that waiting!!!

Annie with her first gap!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

book week

At school each year they celebrate book week by getting the kids to dress up as a book character.  The kids put alot of thought into who/what they want to dress up as.  Benjamin even orgainsed Mama to make him a special costume.

Benjamin dressed up as Jesus.
Benjamin was adamant that this is who he wanted to dress up as.

Annie was a fairy

Matthew actually had South America Day so he dressed up as a fanatical soccer fan

Lucy did not want to miss out on the action so she dressed up as a spotty cow.  Even though she is not at school, Lucy does not like missing out on ANYTHING!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

one of my favourites

this is one of my favourite photos from my field trip.

gorgeous boy

These photos are taken down at one of our favourite Sunday afternoon spots.  Matthew is definitely an adventure boy and not even cold weather will stop him getting wet and muddy when the tide is out.

mummy's photography

Here is a sample of photos I took on the last day of my four week photography course.  I learnt how to take photos manually - that is using the ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

merit bar

Benjamin has been waiting since Matthew came home with his first merit bar for this moment - HIS FIRST merit bar award.  We are so very proud of Benjamin, he is an absolute model student academically and personally and fully deserves this award.  Benjamin was beaming from ear to ear when he was handed his award by the head of Junior school.  He is already working toward his next one!

Benjamin showing me his merit bar after assembly

our funny girl

This is how Mummy found Lucy during one afternoon nap...

...she found the mask Daddy brought back from his overseas trip.

Lucy is definitely our funny girl.  She tries to make us all laugh at every opportunity, which means she usually goes to any great length to get us giggling.  However, this time she must have been waiting for me to come check on her but she did not count on falling asleep first.  So as any good mother does - we take photos of these priceless moments!!! 

the first top tooth GONE!!!

It has taken a long time but FINALLY Benjamin has lost his first top tooth.  He has wriggled it and wriggled it to no avail but during half time at soccer while he was eating his oranges THE tooth came out!!  At the end of the game there was not only 3 cheers for winning the game but the team also gave Benjamin 3 cheers for losing his tooth. 

the cheeky monkey with out his top tooth

Friday, August 20, 2010

the sky is falling.... it's just a possum falling out of a tree.

The kids were playing outside one afternoon when all of a sudden Mummy heard a crash!!  The kids were yelling something so I ran downstairs to see what all the commotion was about and there they all are standing need the Palm tree.  As I went in for a closer look I realised a possum sitting on the fence.  The kids informed me that the possum had fallen down and by the look on his face he seemed a little shell shocked.  The poor possum must have been on a palm branch when it fell down.  In a matter of minutes the possum had found it way back up to the top of the tree.

model in the making

Annie modelling Mummy's slippers that the kids chose for me for Mothers Day.  She thought this was hilarious.  So did I!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

two years until long service!!

Mummy has been a 'stay at home mum' for 8 years so does that mean I am up for my long service leave in two years??   I can hardly believe my baby boy has turned 8 and is growing up way too fast.  Matty had such a great birthday.  It started off with Noonie sleeping over so she was here for the present opening and for a very quick breakfast.  Matthew was very spoilt again this year with lots of books, clothes, nick nacks and all importantly a new scooter.  This present definitely made Matty's day.

Matty opening some presents

some of his books

his scooter

Noonie and the kids

After the special morning it was off to school to share the traditional cupcakes.  For dinner Matty chose his favourite mushroom dinner (beef stroganoff) followed by waffles for dessert.  Matty also wanted his birthday cake to be made out of waffles so it was a very easy cake for Mummy to do.

Matty and his cake

Matty with Mama and Grandad

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

camping tradition

Every May long weekend we head to the farm to go camping.  This has become a tradition which we have now done for three years.  It is such a great time catching up with friends that we usually don't have time to during the year.  This long weekend entails lots of laughter around the campfire at night, a 4wd trip and picnic one of the days, a pub lunch to finish it all off and of course the annual pony ride on Charlotte.  This year Matty was too big  for Charlotte! 

Mummy and Lucy at Queen Mary Falls

BJ waiting very patiently for his turn on Charlotte BUT he is getting cold!

Lucy on Charlotte

Annie's turn

all the kids who were on the farm

We had such a fantastic time catching up with our friends but also it was so lovely making new ones too.  The count down is definitely on for next year!

natural arch

On the long weekend we headed to the Natural Arch with the Ross family.  It was such a beautiful place to visit and such a great little bush walk too.  The kids really enjoyed the adventure of it all too.


Noonie and her boys

the boys plotting there next move as spies in the rain forest

beautiful Annie

our wonderful family

After the walk we all headed down to park to have a picnic lunch and a play on the swings.

Lucy Goosey

scooter at southbank

what a better way to spend a morning than having a scooter at southbank.  This is definitely a family favourite outing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a very special invitation.....

for the parents to come into the prep classroom was given.  Annie talked about this morning for days and was so excited that Mummy could come and play with her in HER classroom.  The morning started with devotions followed by a special song sang by the class.  After some formalities, it was time to play. 

Annie getting ready to sing

Lucy and Natalie watching devotions

Annie and Lucy playing a counting game using play-doh

After playing with some building blocks, colouring in and playdoh it was time to share in some morning tea.   

Mummy and Annie at the end of the special morning

Thank you Annie for a wonderful morning!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mama's 70th birthday

Mama turned 70 this year so the family put on a High Tea to celebrate this mementos occasion.  So on the beautiful deck at Aunty Karen and Uncle Steve's house we had some special nibblies and cake.

just some of the photos.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

mama's photos

Mama celebrated her 70th birthday this year so to mark this memorable occasion the gift idea was to get a new photo of the grandkids on canvas from each family.  Easier said then done when we are the only family with FOUR children.  So after 150 photos we ended up with ONE photo that I was happy enough to print.

a sample of photos we took

You may notice that BJ was in two different coloured shirts.  This was due to Mummy giving the kids a break from having their photo taken.  So while the kids watched some TV BJ decided to suck on his blue shirt.  Therefore, BJ needed a wardrobe change! Towards the end of the photo shoot Lucy was really starting to lose her patience so she would up and leave.  This really drove the kids nuts!  They knew Mummy was not going to stop until we had a decent photo for Mama's wall.

the chosen one!