Thursday, September 11, 2008

Father's Day

Getting ready to wake Daddy up!

waking Daddy up!

receiving instructions on how to read the treasure map

Daddy finding some treasure on the fort

sitting down to breakfast
Father's Day this year was a little different to the ones we have had in the past. This year we did not have to rush off to church as we were going to the afternoon service. So the day started off with Daddy having a sleep-in and the kids getting ready to wake Daddy up! The kids absolutely loved running in and jumping on Dad to wake him up and to show all of their homemade presents and cards. Matthew gave Dad a tie card (which he made in class) , a frisbee and chocolates (which he bought at the school father's day stall). Benjamin gave Dad some paintings and a special card (which he made a kindy) and Annie and Lucy gave a tie card and some Rocky road (all made at playgroup). This was a great time of sitting on the bed and watching Dad open all of his presents and listening to all the details and stories from each individual child on how it was made, why it was made and what the picture is about. Next we headed downstairs to start cooking Dad's requested 'mixed grill BBQ' breakfast which consisted of bacon, lamb chops, sausages and eggs. Daddy thought he was in heaven! While the breakfast was cooking, Matthew gave Dad the treasure map he drew with instructions on how to find the rest of his presents. So off Dad and the kids went on a treasure hunt around the garden to find some more gifts. I don't know who was more excited, Daddy or Annie and BJ! Once the treasure hunt was over it was time for breakfast. We all sat down to celebrate the fact that we have the 'World's Best Dad"!
After breakfast, and a quick nap for Lucy, we headed over to Mama and Grandad's for lunch with the Smith family. There the girls gave Grandad his tie and Rocky road they had made for him at playgroup. We then proceeded onto church before heading home for a little dinner and bed after such a huge day. To finish it all off Matthew decided to give Dad a rub instead of getting one from Dad. Usually part of the bedtime routine Daddy gives the kids a rub each night before they go to sleep but this night Matthew decided to give Dad a rub because it was FATHER'S DAY.

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