Sunday, September 28, 2008

Holidays!! day one

After waking up at 4am to do the last minute packing of the esky and the clothes onto the roof of the car we were ready to wake the kids up at 5am to get on the road!! We needed to be at the barge by 7am so we could get the full benefits of low tide.

Stewart taking the camper trailer of the car.

Annie giving us a little performance to help motivate us to finish setting up.

While eating lunch Matt lost his tooth!

Matthew had two top wobbly teeth for a while and every night before he went to bed he asked me to give it a good tug to see if it would come out. Well today was that day!! While eating his sandwich his tooth fell out and Matthew was so happy that it finally happened. He is now working on the next tooth!

Stewart to the rescue.

While flying the kite Stewart noticed a car bogged in the sand so he grabbed the snatch strap, hopped in the car and went to the rescue. Matthew went along for the ride and thought it was the coolest thing ever!

flying the kite....

...get the kite out of the tree!!
The kids loved flying the kite in the afternoon. BUT this time they got too close to the BIG tree near the camper!

relaxing before dinner.

At the end of every day the kids have their bath, put on nice fresh clothes and settle down to some quiet time so Mum and Dad can prepare dinner. Lucy however, loves to have a nibble on some more food. Lucy just loves to eat!!

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