Saturday, September 27, 2008

Junior School Concert

Matthew performed in his first Junior School Concert at the end of term three. The Year One's reenacted the story of 'The Selfish Crocodile'. It is a story about animals in a forest who are frightened of a selfish crocodile. No matter how much the animals try, the crocodile just won't let anyone drink from the river. Then, one day, the crocodile has a toothache — but nobody dares to help him, until a little mouse appears and bravely finds a way to solve this snappy dilemma. After the reenactment the children then sang and danced to 'Who's the King of the Jungle'. Matthew was a frog for the performance!! He was so excited about performing for the parents so on the night Daddy and Mummy was there he spotted us on stage and kept looking at us and smiling for the video camera!! The school children performed the item three times, two nights for the parents, and once for the Grandparents on Grandparents Day. By the end of the week Matthew was very tired.
Benjamin and Annie at one of Matthew's performances
It was a very long night for BJ and Annie that they kept asking "when are we going home?" BJ started asking this after the first item!! But they did love seeing Matthew on stage.

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