Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Holidays!! day three

After a gorgeous first two days we woke up to a very windy, overcast morning. Due to the weather and it being low tide, we decided to 4wd to Rainbow Beach for morning tea and to look at a sandblow which had been recommended to us by Big Josh.

Mummy and Lucy at the sandblow

Matthew at the top of the sanddune and BJ on his way up.

Daddy flying the kite.
When we returned back to camp Daddy decided it was perfect kite weather. So he went to get BJ's kite out but could not remember where he put it away so he got out Matt's stunt kite to try instead. We have on a previous occasion tried this kite before but with no luck BUT today Daddy worked out how to use it. It is a kite with two lines therefore, you use both hands to guide the kite and do stunts with it. Matthew loved this kite and got really good at performing stunts and doing 'loop-de-loops' with it. Mummy and Daddy had to fight Matthew to get a go!

The Beach Gang!
Due to the wind the kids thought it was a great idea to wear their sunglasses to keep the sand out of their eyes while they run and jump in the sand and off the sand dunes.

Lucy playing 'Connect 4'
During quiet time this night Lucy kept herself occupied by playing a game of 'Connect 4' solo style!

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