Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Lucy all ready for the bike ride

The Smith bike gang!

Lucy having her turn!
One of our favourite things to do as a family is bike riding at Southbank. Seeing as Benjamin has graduated from his 'L' plates to his 'P' plates on his two wheel bike, we thought he was now ready to ride at Southbank with the crowds. So we headed off for the afternoon. As Dad was putting the bikes on the bike rack at home, Lucy found her helmet and put it on and was NOT taking it off!! She absolutely loves riding on the back of Dad's bike. After the ride we stopped off for a play at the playgorund before heading off for some hot chips for dinner. Dad made the comment to BJ that he was doing such a great job on his bike and BJ's comment was "yeah Dad, I have only hit two people so far!!" Well done BJ! So as we were leaving Lucy insisted on having her turn riding a bike. She does not like missing out on anything!

1 comment:

Cath said...

He he! BJ's comment made me laugh out loud! :-)