Thursday, December 15, 2011

so many things....

Over the past couple of months we have been very busy....


Bunya Mountains camping

canarvon gorge camping

Annie's first serious injury - jumping off the monkey bars at school but hitting the steel post instead

Lucy learning to ride her bike on two wheels

Matty's first swimming carnival - he received two firsts

Mum & Dad Smiths 50th wedding anniversary

Matt's grand final for soccer - runners up

BJ's end of soccer season carnival......

so many things have happened and these are only a few of those things.

Friday, September 16, 2011

family picnic

All the kids love having picnics in the backyard.  One afternoon the kids asked Daddy and Mummy to come downstairs to see the surprise.  The surprise was a family picnic they had put together.  They had organised a blanket, drinks and food - including a homemade pizza for Dad that Matt and Annie made.  We all had a lovely time talking, laughing and creating some great memories.

family photo

family photo April 2011

While on holidays at Double Island we had a casual family photo taken out he front of Red Canyon.  We don't often get on with all of us so it was lovely when we did.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

soccer star

BJ our soccer star!!

BJ loves soccer.  He not only trains with his team each week but also Matty's.  He also loves to play in the backyard every afternoon and can't wait til Daddy comes home from work so they can play a game before dinner.  BJ has definitely improved so much since he started two years ago.  He has great ball skills and he is super fast on the field.  BJ is hoping to beat his record of 32 goals last year but this year he has gone up a division so we will wait and see.  This though will not stop BJ from trying his hardest.  We are so proud of you our soccer star.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First X-Courntry

Well this year saw Matty running the x-country for the first time.  He was not too sure what to expect so he did some training on a Friday morning before school for several weeks, but nothing really prepared Matty for what was ahead.  On the day Matty was really nervous but he still ran his best.  Matthew finished 12th out of 40 boys which Mummy was so very proud of him. Matthew gave his all and even overtook some boys on the last home stretch which gave him a real boost.  Matthew is already talking about doing more training for next year as he wants to better his position.  He really enjoyed his morning at cross country.

party time

Annie was allowed a party this year and she chose a CRAFT party.  Why oh why I kept asking Annie as she knows Mummy does not do craft!!  Anyway  I was able to pull a few things together and fun was had by all, especially the birthday girl.  Annie and her 6 friends had fun painting their own pillow case, making their own headband, decorating their own cupcake (which became part of the birthday cake) and some bead thing creation.  All girls went home with smiles on their faces, their own special bag and all their creations.

Monday, June 27, 2011

baby girl turns 6

Wow my first born girl is 6!!  How time flies when you are having fun.  I can actually recall when I found out I was pregnant with you.  It was in the middle of  one night when Mummy had to go the toilet!!  This only happens when I am pregnant.  I just knew that was a sign that I was pregnant and to be honest I knew you were a girl from that very first moment.  I don't know why I had that feeling but I did.  I also went into a state of shock because Benjamin was only 6 months old and Matthew had only just turned 2 and I didn't know if I was ready for another baby.  The next morning I remember telling Daddy and he was excited as his attitude was 'more the merrier'.  So I went to the doctors to check it out and Yep! I was pregnant.  It happened to be Noonies birthday, 10th July, so I put a little jelly bean on the card after Matthew and Benjamin's names to give her a clue and she picked up on the code straight away and was over the moon!!  My pregnancy was a little up and down.  I remember feeling unwell all day, tired all day and smelt every thing in a 30 metre radius!  But I wouldn't change a thing.  We are all so blessed to have you in our lives and my world is alot brighter every day because of you.  Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!  

Monday, June 13, 2011

kindy girl

Well the time has come that I have been baby girl goes to kindy.  Lucy was so happy that finally her turn had come to go off to school.  Me on the other hand was not quite ready for it!!  So MY mum (Noonie) had to have the day off to be with me!  Lucy had an absolute ball.  She made some new friends, met her wonderful teachers and painted to her hearts content.  Me on the other hand cried a little, kept looking at my watch and was one of the first mums to pick up their child.  Lucy loves kindy.  She loves all the activities, especially painting (which her teacher says she has a real talent for), loves being with her new friends and loves library.  I just can hardly believe all my babies are off to some form of schooling - how time flies. 

 Lucy and Daddy
 Lucy and Mummy

Lucy with her kindy hat and bag on ready to go

Lucy with her lunch box and her bag in her locker ready for the day

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

that time of year AGAIN...

traditional first day back photos

Well that time has come again...first day back at school.  To be completely honest, this is not my favourite day of the year.  It is the start of homework, take home readers, assignements, parent teacher interviews, staff meetings, more meetings, camps, parent help and the list goes on (this is for the kids as well as for Stewart!) Also it is the time of year the house becomes quiet and still, Lucy looses her best mates and mopes around the house for weeks until she realises they are not coming back - until 3pm that is!! 
The kids DO however LOVE school.  They love seeing there friends again and meeting their teachers for the first time.  The first day of school is always exciting for them - and every day to be honest.  Matthew is in Year 4, Benjamin Year 2 and Annie Year 1, they kids are growing up so fast and I am NOT coping.  Matthew is is the big boys uniform now and Annie is in the formal uniform this year (prepies wear sports uniform everyday) and they look so grown up.  Mummy is so proud of you all and I know you always give your best.

Monday, May 16, 2011

long hair louts

The boys have NEVER had hair this long before!!  Before the Christmas holidays the boys asked me if they could grow their hair for the WHOLE of the school holidays - and I said YES!!  why oh why did I say yes.  Half way through the holidays they looked like a part of homeless boys.  At the time they did ask their hair was not too bad but after a few weeks they looked like a pair of wooly mammoths.  The boys loved having long hair and have already started asking if they can do it again next Christmas holidays!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

my baby baking

Lucy received an apron and some cooking items as presents at Christmas and she was very eager to use them.  So here is Lucy baking some YUMMY cupcakes for afternoon tea.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

beach babies

We love the beach!!  Whenever we get a chance to go up the coast for a swim at the beach, we are off.  All the kids love the water and get very excited about ANY beach visit.

Annie boogie boarding

Lucy just loves to splash about

Matthew loves to float, float and float some more in the waves

And while I was taking all the photos of these three, Daddy and BJ were 'out the back' catching the big waves.  BJ has really taken a liking to boogie boarding the big waves and to be honest he is Dad's shadow at the moment.  Wherever Daddy is, so is BJ.

BJ after his big surf with Dad

Monday, April 18, 2011

christmas morning

My favourite time of year....Christmas morning.  The kids wake up with such excitement, not only for the presents they get but also for the presents they get to give to each other.  But first the boys had to wait patiently for the girls to wake up. This year was little different, Noonie was not with us and her lack of presence was noted by how QUIET the house was!! Maybe that's why the girls slept in!!

After the ALL the kids woke up they jumped on Mum and Dads bed and went through their Santa sacks and had so much fun discovering what Santa had left them.  After that we all went to the Christmas tree to open the family presents.  The kids got so excited with all their presents and the presents their brothers and sisters received it was so lovely to watch.  While Mum and Dad got the traditional Christmas breakfast ready, the kids played so wonderfully with their new toys.  The boys played Star Wars with their new light sabers and lasers and the girls played with their new beado sets.

Breakfast was served...with mangoes, bacon and eggs, croissants, laughter and love.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

christmas comes early

With Noonie heading south for Christmas we had our family christmas a week early. What a wonderful time we all had. 
To start off the celebrations Annie made a christmas biscuit tree for all of us to enjoy before eating Noonie's beautiful Christmas roast dinner.

Annie with her christmas biscuit tree she made all by herself 

Christmas presents!!!

Noonie and her grandkids opening presents

Daddy opening his presents

Mummy and the angel Noonie gave me

boys playing with their new toys

Lucy doing the dishes
Lucy has really enjoyed washing the dishes lately

kids at the christmas lights
there is no better way to finish off christmas celebration than visiting the local christmas lights

We had such a great time with lots of laughter, food and fun

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

happy birthday Lucy

I can hardly believe my Goose is 4.  I have LOVED every minute of Lucy and she has added so much love, laughter and enjoyment into our family.  We are all so blessed to have Lucy as part of our family. At the very beginning I wondered if child number four was going to be a blessing!! I didn't realise that 'morning' sickness was going to be 24hrs a day for just under 30 weeks with Mummy taking medication 3 times a day to try and keep it at bay or that Daddy (& Matt) would have to bring dry toast to bed for me to eat BEFORE I even lifted my head from the pillow or that I would be calling Daddy to come home from work early to help me with our three other small children (what a VERY understanding school he works for) MOST days of the week or that Noonie would be coming over ALOT on the weekends to help Daddy keep up the washing and cleaning or that you would be entering this world in a very quick fashion.  BUT it was all worth it.  Lucy Goosey you make our family complete and you bring so much joy to us all and I cannot ever imagine my life without you. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

swim and a chat

These two girls adore each other.  EVERY night we find them sleeping together in the same bed, they play together so beautifully and they are never too far from each others side.  So when I saw them swimming together my heart just blossomed with the love I see between them. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Well the time had come.....the kids have been asking Mum and Dad to go to Aussie World forever.  Every time we pass Aussie World the kids always ask if we can stop and go and have a look - and we always say no because we are always passing it go somewhere and never have the time to stop.  So during the rainy holidays Dad and I decided to surprise the kids with a day at Aussie World.  To be completely honest Dad and I did not think there would be anything much there so we did no go prepared with hats or food.  What a mistake!!  When we arrived the kids were beside themselves with such excitement and Dad and I kept looking at each other thinking we hope the kids don't get disappointed once we are inside.  Well Dad and I were SO surprised.  Aussie World was very empty, beside one Year 7 class who looked like they were having an end of year breakup and a few other families.  The kids had so much fun on the ferris wheel, merry-go-around, Annie's favourite the swinging chair ride, Matty's favourite the dodgem cars and BJ and Lucy's favourite the Taxi ride and quite a few more.  We did not have to line up for any of the rides and the kids just went from one ride to the next.  Dad and I were so surprised at how long we stayed at Aussie World and also how much it cost us to buy lunch!!  Next time I will definitely be more prepared!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

an afternoon at the beach

We love the beach and quite often take the drive up the coast so we can feel the sand and salt water between our toes!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

school christmas play

Every year at school Prep to Year 3 have a celebration morning.  This is when ALL students in Prep to 3 perform in a Christmas pageant.  The teachers are amazing and make sure each child is on stage for part of the performance.  The Preps girls were Angels.... 

Annie as a beautiful angel

The Year 3 boys were villagers.....

Matthew singing on stage as a villager

The Year 1 girls were stars and the boys were the shepherds.  However, Benjamin was given an extra special role.  Each year a small group of children from Year 1 are given the main roles.  Matthew was the Inn keeper two years ago and two years later Benjamin was cast as Angel Gabriel.  He was so excited about his special part and gave it his all.  

Benjamin singing

Angel Gabriel giving his message to Mary

All the kids did a wonderful job and we are so proud of them all.